man in hospital gown getting treatment from doctors

Preparing for a Trip to the Emergency Room

Most people will visit the emergency room at one point or another, either by themselves or with a friend or family member. The key to a positive experience in the emergency room is preparation. It’s always a good idea to establish a plan ahead of time and communicate it to the rest of your family members, in case a trip to the emergency room is ever needed. Anticipating what your provider will need ahead of time will help simplify the process and make your visit go smoothly. 

How to Prepare for an Emergency Room Visit 

Step 1: Assist the Patient

Knowing a few basic first aid tactics can help you respond to a critical situation more easily. If someone is bleeding, apply pressure to the wound and elevate that part of their body. If they are struggling to breathe, check their mouth and airways for obstructions. Many people panic or go into shock when they are injured—do your best to keep them still and warm so they do not make their injuries worse. Call 911 and try to keep them calm and relaxed until the ambulance arrives. 

Step 2: Secure Transportation

If it’s a life-or-death situation, call 911 and let your friend or family member be transported by ambulance. But if it’s a situation where you feel confident that your loved one isn’t in immediate danger, you can find another means of transportation. For instance, if the injury was caused by hydraulic equipment like a backhoe or excavator, ensure the machine is safely operated and secured according to hydraulic machine safety protocols before transportation. Going to the emergency room in your own vehicle is fine, as long as you are calm enough to drive. If not, it’s better to use a rideshare service or ask a neighbor to drive you to the ER. If you are injured or think you might be having a heart attack, DO NOT drive yourself. 

Step 3: Make Sure You Have Everything You Need

The most important things you need for a trip to the emergency room are your insurance card, a list of your current medications. If you have time, you might also want to grab a few essentials. Bringing along snacks, water, and a phone charger are all good ideas. If the patient is a child, bring a few toys, books, or coloring books to distract them, so they won’t be frightened. 

Step 4: Communicate with Medical Providers

It’s important to be completely open and honest with emergency medical professionals. Let them know about any allergies, medications, and underlying medical conditions so they can provide treatment quickly and avoid complications. Always be honest about the events leading up to a medical emergency, even if it’s uncomfortable to talk about. Knowing exactly what happened could help the ER team save the patient’s life.

Emergency Medical Care in Lufkin, Texas

At Total Point Urgent Care, we work tirelessly to provide medical care to everyone who needs it. Our emergency rooms are open 24/7, with locations throughout the Houston area. In Lufkin, we’re located at 501 N Brentwood Drive. With our state-of the art facilities and experienced doctors and nurses, we are here to help in any situation. 


Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash used with permission under the Creative Commons license for commercial use 5/29/2024. 


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